CLASS DATE: 01/26/2025 TEACHERS:    Bhuvana , Radhika and Devi, Lakshmi
We started class with 3 Oms and Gayathri.

Then we all visited Swami in our hearts.

We wrapped up on feelings and how we handle them. Then started discussion on kindness.
We asked the kids how they show kindness?
What they will do when they see a friend or sibling sad?
What are some kind or polite words?
Children actively participated in the discussions.

We played a game on the class theme.

Then it was time for bhajan practice with Bhuvana aunty. They practiced Swami take my hand and You my mother.

After a short snack break, children enjoyed drawing time.
Lastly they enjoyed playing red light and green light with Sai Deepa aunty.

We finished the class with the closing prayer.

Activity for the week:
Say Thank You to mom or dad when they make breakfast for you.