Excerpts of the articles are presented below. Please click on the title to read the full article.
1.  Pre-SSSE

CLASS DATE: 01/19/2025 TEACHERS:    Bhuvana , Radhika and Devi, Lakshmi
Theme: Feeling sad

Prayer: Om  3xOms, Om Bhur Bhuva Suvaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo yonah Prachodayath

Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi


Swami is in our Hearts : 

Show a picture of a child ( Sarah) with Sad face


How do you think Sarah is feeling?

What part of her face tells you that she is sad?

Why do you think Sarah feels sad?

Do you feel sad sometimes?

What makes you sad?

What can you do when you feel sad?

What can you do when you see your friend is feeling sad?

Ask everyone to make sad face and show their face in the mirror

Role Play: 

Sita is building a tower. Ram knocks the tower down. Sita is sad.

After a few minutes:

Ram is building a castle. Sita goes and knocks it down. Ram started crying.

Sita: Do you like when I knock your building down, Ram.

Ram: No

Sita: Sameway I also don’t like when you knock my building down.

Game 1 

If you’re wearing red, run in place

Pink – Point to the teacher

Orange – Open your arms wide

Yellow – Yawn really wide

Green – Stand on you tip toe

Blue — Balance on one foot

Purple – Pat your head

Brown – Bend your knees

Black – Blink your eyes

White – Wiggle your fingers


Bhajan: Swami take my hand, You are my mother you are my father


It is ok if you feel sad sometimes, but you should try to do something fun like drawing and coloring, that will make you feel HAPPY

Draw a SAD face first and then a HAPPY face in two circles. Tape the circles in popsicles


Book on Theme: Book: On Mothers Lap

Activity of the week: 

Try to make your sibling or friend happy when they are sad

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2.  SSSE-Group3

CLASS  DATE:    10/20/2024

TEACHER(S): Nalini, Gangadher, Sravanti, Shiva
Topic: Swami’s Avathar Declaration Day  Attendance: 21
SaiRam dear parents, Please find the class notes below:

We began our class with vedam chanting, Ganapathi Prarthana, Medhasuktham 2nd stanza, and concluded with Kshama Prarthana. We also practiced bhajans for Sai Madhuram.

The boys sang “Sarvatra govinda nama sankeerthana,” and the girls sang “Love… “

On Sunday, October 20th, we celebrated Swami’s Avatar Declaration Day.

We discussed Swami’s childhood memories and watched a video presentation. The students actively participated and shared their knowledge of Swami’s childhood. On Avatar Declaration Day, Swami revealed that he is God. He also said, “You too are God.” He entered our lives, and we are all chosen by him. As a gesture of gratitude, we should show a positive change in our daily conduct. Our thoughts, words, and actions should be pure. Swami is the center of our lives. He is in control, and we should be happy, fearless, and obedient. We need God’s guidance to make the right choices in life, Just as we respond when called by our name, calling out to God’s name brings God’s presence and protection close to us.

We practiced writing Om Sri Sai Ram with a one-minute timer and chanting His name silently, reminding the students of the peace and focus that comes from Namasmarana.

We concluded the class by singing the first bhajan taught by Swami, “Manasa Bhajare Guru charanam.”

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3.  SSSE-Group2

CLASS  DATE: 01/19/25 TEACHER(S):  Sumithra (2B), Hima (2A), Lalitha(2A)
Theme: Giving is Happiness  Attendance:  35/45

Summary of this week’s class:

Class 2A:

The session began with prayers, followed by learning the first 15 names of Swami from the Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotra Shata Namavali and Soham meditation for 2 minutes. We quickly revisited last week’s theme, Giving and Sharing Bring Happiness , and recollected the stories shared.

The story of The Unhappy Crow  was introduced, highlighting how the crow felt discontented by comparing itself to others, believing other birds were happier. This led to a discussion about the importance of being content and happy with what we have. Another story illustrated how our desires often grow endlessly—starting with wanting a car, then a bigger car, then more features—and how these unchecked “wants” can lead to greed, jealousy, anger, pride, and attachment.

The children reflected on Swami’s teachings to control desires, starting with mindful use of basic needs such as avoiding food waste and conserving energy by speaking only when necessary. The session concluded with Sai Madhuram bhajan practice and closing prayers.

Class 2B:

The session began with prayers, followed by learning the first 15 names of Swami from the Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotra Shata Namavali and Soham meditation for 2 minutes. We explored the concept of contentment and how appreciating what we have and limiting unnecessary desires can lead to happiness and peace. The discussion focused on common triggers for discontentment, such as comparisons with others or an excessive focus on material possessions.

This theme was illustrated through stories from Chinna Katha, including The Fisherman and the Businessman,  which highlighted the joy of a simple, contented life, and The Unhappy Crow, which emphasized self-acceptance and appreciating our uniqueness.

The children were given an exercise to identify and write down their desires in their notebooks, helping them reflect on whether their desires were true needs or mere wants. This activity aimed to encourage putting a ceiling on desires. The session concluded with closing prayers and the message: One should be content with what they have and not worry about what they do not have. Only then can they truly be happy and peaceful.

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