1. Pre-SSSE
CLASS DATE: 01/19/2025 | TEACHERS: Bhuvana , Radhika and Devi, Lakshmi |
SUMMARY: Feeling – Sad | ATTENDANCE: |
Theme: Feeling sad
Prayer: Om 3xOms, Om Bhur Bhuva Suvaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo yonah Prachodayath Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi
Swami is in our Hearts : Show a picture of a child ( Sarah) with Sad face Discussion: How do you think Sarah is feeling? What part of her face tells you that she is sad? Why do you think Sarah feels sad? Do you feel sad sometimes? What makes you sad? What can you do when you feel sad? What can you do when you see your friend is feeling sad? Ask everyone to make sad face and show their face in the mirror Role Play: Sita is building a tower. Ram knocks the tower down. Sita is sad. After a few minutes: Ram is building a castle. Sita goes and knocks it down. Ram started crying. Sita: Do you like when I knock your building down, Ram. Ram: No Sita: Sameway I also don’t like when you knock my building down. Game 1 If you’re wearing red, run in place Pink – Point to the teacher Orange – Open your arms wide Yellow – Yawn really wide Green – Stand on you tip toe Blue — Balance on one foot Purple – Pat your head Brown – Bend your knees Black – Blink your eyes White – Wiggle your fingers
Bhajan: Swami take my hand, You are my mother you are my father Artwork: It is ok if you feel sad sometimes, but you should try to do something fun like drawing and coloring, that will make you feel HAPPY Draw a SAD face first and then a HAPPY face in two circles. Tape the circles in popsicles Sticks Book on Theme: Book: On Mothers Lap Activity of the week: Try to make your sibling or friend happy when they are sad |