
Excerpts of the articles are presented below. Please click on the title to read the full article.
1.  General Announcements

A) Swami’s Centenary Sadhana Offerings

Increase rigor of Sadhana for our Spiritual transformation/growth and as a Loving Offering to Swami. Please complete this survey no later than February 6.

B) Service Activities
February Service Activities

February 8 Pillow Service
Sign up sheet:
Our monthly pillow service is scheduled for Saturday, Feb 8. Please use the sign up sheet above to participate in this service.

Feb 15 In Person Breakfast
Sign up sheet:
Our monthly in-person breakfast service to support Raleigh men’s shelter is scheduled for Feb 15 at 4:30am to prepare and serve breakfast. You can also sign up for ingredients and drop off by Friday Feb 14 6p at 1507 Gathering Park Circle, Cary 27519 If you are coming for the service, you can bring ingredients along with you. Please use the signup sheet above to participate in this service.

Feb 15 In Person Dinner
Sign up sheet:
Our monthly in-person dinner service to support Raleigh men’s shelter is scheduled for Jan 18 at 2:30pm to prepare and serve dinner. You can also sign up for ingredients and drop off by Friday Feb 14 6p at 1507 Gathering Park Circle, Cary 27519. If you are coming for the service, you can bring ingredients along with you. Please use the signup sheet above to participate in this service.

Feb 16 Drop Off Dinner Service
Sign up sheet:
Our bi-monthly drop off dinner service to support Raleigh men’s shelter is scheduled for Feb 2 and Feb 16. Please use the sign up sheet above to participate in this service.

Feb 23 Fresh Fruit Brown Bag
Sign up sheet:–0iiQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Our monthly fresh fruit brown bag service is scheduled for Feb 23. Please drop off all items by Sunday, Feb 23 11a at 1507 Gathering Park Circle, Cary 27519. Please use the sign up sheet above to participate in this service.

Pediatric Clinic Food Distribution Project

This bi-weekly project involves distributing grocery bags to Lincoln Community Health Center Pediatric Clinic’s families in need. Any identified family visiting the pediatric clinic who is facing food insecurity will be given a grocery bag filled with dry/canned goods as well as a list of local food resources in the Durham area

Sign up sheetPediatric Clinic food distribution project

C) Sai center activities on Sunday Feb 9th at HSNC Rooms 3,4,5,6
  • 3:30 PM-Setup
  • 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM – Parent Study Circle (in HSNC Shirdi Room)
  • 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM – Study Circle – “Forgiveness” – Bro. Subbu
  • 5:00 PM to 5:10 PM – General Announcements
  • 5:10 PM to 6:10 PM – Sai Aaradhan Bhajans, Aarati and Closing Prayers  

D) ARRYA 2025 | SSSGC National Young Adults Retreat to Kick-off Bhagawan’s Centennial Celebrations!
Sairam Dear Sai Young Adults!

We are excited to announce that Region 3’s Annual Regional Retreat for Young Adults has been expanded to the 2025 SSSGC USA National Young Adults Retreat! Let us unite together, as one unified nation-wide Young Adult family to ring in the Centennial of our Lord!

The USA National YA Retreat will be held Fri Feb 14th – Sun Feb 16th 2025 in Charlotte, North Carolina
Theme: “Hands in the Society, Heads in the Forest”

E) Volunteer Registration is now open for the Guru Purnima Medical Camp in Parthi

You are welcome to have the devotees from your country register with the registration links below. Last date for registration is May 10, 2025 for doctors and healthcare professionals

1. *Medical Professional Registration form*:

2. *Allied Health Professional Registration form*:

3. *Nurse Registration form*:

4. *Non-Medical Professional Registration form*:

F) Registration is now open for November 2025 Medical Camp:

Registrations for providers are now open for volunteers that can render medical services to those who come to the Prasanthi Nilayam Medical Camp for medical needs. Please register by March 1st. That is the deadline set as this year for Swami’s 100 birthday the medical camp will be for 3 weeks. Each medical volunteer is requested to at least volunteer 7 days. Please see below for registration links. Sairam!

November 8-24, 2025 Prasanthi Nilayam Birthday Medical Camp Registration Forms

1. Medical Doctors registration form:

2. Allied Professionals Form:

3. Nurses form:

G) National Go-Green Team Updates 

For Swami’s Centennial birthday celebrations, the National Go-Green has taken an initiative to take 100 steps to become a Go-Green champion at home, school, work. As part of that effort, the team releases video every week on specific topics. Please click here to view Week4 slide.

H) Regional Updates 

Please visit regional section at for important announcements :

  • Weekly update for the week of Feb 9, 2025 from Prasanthi Connection Zone 1 Committee
  • Ati Rudra Maha Yagnam in Parthi – February 2025 registrations link
  • Volunteer Registration is now open for the Guru Purnima Medical Camp in Parthi

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2.  Thought for the Week

What should we do to prepare ourselves for Atma Vidya or knowledge about the Self? Bhagawan explains today lovingly and clearly with practical examples!

It is a hard job to know about your own Self. Take the case of the food that you eat with your own mouth. You feel it in your stomach and after that, you do not experience what happens to it at each stage. How then can you know, without acquiring the special knowledge about it, the Truth that lies behind the sheaths that encase and enclose you – the Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya and Anandamaya – (sheaths of material, vital energy, mind, intelligence and bliss)? Clear your intellect or intellectual power (dheeshakti) of the cobwebs of ego, the dust of desire, the soot of greed and envy, and it becomes a fit instrument for revealing the Swarupa – the Inner Truth. “Know yourself, know the Inner Motivator, the Antaryamin” – that is the exhortation of the scriptures of all faiths. For, unless you are armed with spiritual knowledge, you are like a ship without a compass, sailing on a stormy sea!

– Divine Discourse, Apr 16, 1964  BABA

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4.  Regional Updates

Centenary Medical Programs and Seva Opportunities :

With Swami’s Grace numerous opportunities are available for doctors, nurses, and medical professionals along with non-medical volunteers from around the globe to join together with our brothers and sisters from India to offer services to Bhagawan over this historic centenary celebratory year. Please inform and encourage all to participate.
1. Guru Purnima Medical Camp July 7-11
Location: N1 building
2. Global Cardiovascular Symposium for Medical Professionals Sept 27-28
Prasanthi Nilayam has been chosen as an official site for 2025 by the World Heart Federation (WHF) (
Screening Seva Activities will be offered on September 27
Preventive Medical Conference hosted by the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences (SSSIHMS), University of Texas, Baylor Medical College, USA and University of Rochester, New York, USA.
3. World Heart Day Celebrations Sept 29
Public awareness campaign and activities

4. November Medical Seva
Support during Centenary Celebrations
Services to be made available Nov 8 -26 at multiple sites in and around ashram

Registration is now open for the Guru Purnima Medical Camp.
You are welcome to have the devotees from your country register with the registration links below. Last date for registration is May 10, 2025 for doctors and healthcare professionals
1. Medical Professional Registration form:

2. Allied Health Professional Registration form:

3. Nurse Registration form:

4. Non-Medical Professional Registration form:

Registration is now open for November 2025 Medical Camp:
Registrations for providers are now open for volunteers that can render medical services to those who come to the Prasanthi Nilayam Medical Camp for medical needs. Please register by March 1st. That is the deadline set as this year for Swami’s 100 birthday the medical camp will be for 3 weeks. Each medical volunteer is requested to at least volunteer 7 days. Please see below for registration links. Sairam!

Registration for the other events will be made available at a later date.

Prasanthi Connection Team:

Sairam Dear All,

Please see the weekly update for the week of February 3 – February 9, 2025 from Prasanthi Connection Zone 1 Committee. Following up with the zone chairs email, for your convenience Prasanthi Connection Zone 1 team is including the information and links below:

– Email – Week updates of February 3 – February 9, 2025
Email link:

– Center Announcements –
Download Slide link:

– “Your Prasanthi Connection’s” – Centennial Birthday Video Offering
Sis. Rekha Ramnath Video URL:
– Need Help with your visit to Prasanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi, India?
Call us at: +1 (909) 736-0119 or Email us at: or Web: coming soon

Sai Ram,
Prasanthi Connection Team


Ati Rudra Maha Yagnam in Parthi – February 2025.

Please refer below the message from Region President:

Sai Ram Dear SSSGC Family,

As a part of the Centenary Celebrations of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the historic Sri Sathya Sai Satamanam Visva Santhi Lok Kalyana Ati Rudra Maha Yagnam is being performed at the Sai Kulwant Hall at Prasanthi Nilayam from 14th to 25th February 2025.

SSSGC members, who are well-versed in chanting and who are able to participate in the entire program, starting with morning of 13th of February for an orientation and leaving the day after 25th of February may register for selection for special seating closer to the shrine to chant together as a group. Registration must be complete prior to 31st December 2024.

Loving Regards,
Dr. Axay Shanti Kalathia
SSSGC, Zone 1 Chair


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5.  YA’s Corner
1) ARRYA2025 | SSSGC National Young Adults Retreat to Kick-off Bhagawan’s Centennial Celebrations! – REGISTRATION IS OPEN
Sairam Dear Sai Young Adults!
We are excited to announce that Region 3’s Annual Regional Retreat for Young Adults has been expanded to the 2025 SSSGC USA National Young Adults Retreat! Let us unite together, as one unified nation-wide Young Adult family to ring in the Centennial of our Lord!
The USA National YA Retreat will be held Fri Feb 14th – Sun Feb 16th 2025 in Charlotte, North Carolina
Theme: “Hands in the Society, Heads in the Forest”
Registration link  is now open and closes on Fri Jan 17th 2025.


We will chant and energize beads using the power of Gayathri Mantra, make them into bracelets and offer it to people in need like hospital patients and people in senior care homes.
Steps to follow:
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6.  RSC Service Activities

February Service Activities:

Feb 2 and Feb 16 Drop Off Dinner Service

Sign up sheet:
Our bi-monthly drop off dinner service to support Raleigh men’s shelter is scheduled for Feb 2 and Feb 16. Please use the sign up sheet above to participate in this service.

February 8 Pillow Service
Sign up sheet:
Our monthly pillow service is scheduled for Saturday, Feb 8. Please use the sign up sheet above to participate in this service.

Feb 15 In Person Breakfast
Sign up sheet:
Our monthly in-person breakfast service to support Raleigh men’s shelter is scheduled for Feb 15 at 4:30am to prepare and serve breakfast. You can also sign up for ingredients and drop off by Friday Feb 14 6p at 1507 Gathering Park Circle, Cary 27519 If you are coming for the service, you can bring ingredients along with you. Please use the signup sheet above to participate in this service.

Feb 15 In Person Dinner
Sign up sheet:
Our monthly in-person dinner service to support Raleigh men’s shelter is scheduled for Jan 18 at 2:30pm to prepare and serve dinner. You can also sign up for ingredients and drop off by Friday Feb 14 6p at 1507 Gathering Park Circle, Cary 27519. If you are coming for the service, you can bring ingredients along with you. Please use the signup sheet above to participate in this service.

Feb 23 Fresh Fruit Brown Bag
Sign up sheet:–0iiQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Our monthly fresh fruit brown bag service is scheduled for Feb 23. Please drop off all items by Sunday, Feb 23 11a at 1507 Gathering Park Circle, Cary 27519. Please use the sign up sheet above to participate in this service.

Pediatric Clinic Food Distribution Project 

This bi-weekly project involves distributing grocery bags to Lincoln Community Health Center Pediatric Clinic’s families in need. Any identified family visiting the pediatric clinic who is facing food insecurity will be given a grocery bag filled with dry/canned goods as well as a list of local food resources in the Durham area

Signup for pediatric clinic food distribution project

To participate in active service projects, please see list below.
Service name and Date/time Service Activity Details Locations & Sign up
Sunday Food Service: Men’s shelter – Raleigh (Every alternate Sunday)   Preparing food at Volunteer homes and drop at common place. Volunteer will deliver at Raleigh Men’s shelter by 2pm 1420 S Wilmington St, Raleigh, NC 27601. Please click here to sign up for Sunday service.
SAI Tutoring Program Volunteers provide weekly one to one tutoring via Zoom to an underserved elementary school student from the Durham Public School district. The focus is on ELA and math enrichment and also providing mentorship. NOTE: Please contact if you are interested in getting involved.
Growing Sai’s Love – Garden project RSC’s pilot program Growing Sai’s Love to help our Sai Community members get more self-reliant by learning to grow their own fresh, healthy vegetables, fruits, flowers, in their backyard. Members can also use these for service and center activities. NOTE: Please contact service coordinator if you would like to participate in this service.
Raleigh Men’s shelter Breakfast service Monthly Breakfast service on 3rd Saturday to support Raleigh Men’s Shelter. Please drop off items at 719 McRae Rd, Cary on 3rd Friday of the month by 7pm so volunteers can take supplies to the shelter on Saturday morning to cook and serve breakfast.
Recycling project Recycling project that involves used batteries, medication(s), small electronics and bulbs.  NOTEPlease contact service coordinator if you would like to participate in this service.
Pediatric Clinic Food Distribution Project This bi-weekly project involves distributing grocery bags to Lincoln Community Health Center Pediatric Clinic’s families in need. Any identified family visiting the pediatric clinic who is facing food insecurity will be given a grocery bag filled with dry/canned goods as well as a list of local food resources in the Durham area. Signup sheet has instructions and Grocery list
 Food drive for Inter-faith Food Shuttle, Durham by Group 3 SSSE Students every month  Group 3 SSSE students form leads in their communities and conduct food drive. Please contact Group 3 teachers for more information. Collected food will be delivered during first week of every month atInter-faith Food Shuttle

2436 S. Miami Blvd, Suite 200-9

Durham, NC

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